Welcome to Team Pink Cornrows!

Founder & Chief Equity Weaver

 Ifeoma Ike, M.A., J.D., LL.M.

As strong as the traditional African hairstyle I loved wearing as a child (and still do), “Cornrows” represent the strength, survival and solutions of Black, Indigenous, immigrant and femme-led communities and spaces. At Pink Cornrows, we believe that the absence of a cultural lens limits the sustainability of equity and is likely why so many well-intended efforts fall short of achieving their goals. I am proud to lead a team of deep thinkers and doers who bring both their skills and their cultures to the table to support how our partners reimagine what’s possible for our neighborhoods, workplaces and environment.

Whether it’s designing a mental health campaign, drafting a policy to address maternal mortality, or developing new narratives, curriculum and mindsets, we are committed to making every space we engage with more equitable and the impact more tangible and real.

Let’s weave together.

learn more about our founder ifeoma ike